How to Interpret Transformer Nameplate Information (1 NETA CTDs)

How to Interpret Transformer Nameplate Information (1 NETA CTDs)


How to Interpret Transformer Nameplate Information (1 NETA CTDs)

This course offers an overview of reading and understanding information on a transformer nameplate.

In this course, we will provide examples of actual transformer nameplate information and analyze the data presented on these nameplates. Topics covered will include:

  1. Minimum nameplate requirements
  2. Manufacturer’s information
  3. Cooling class, number of phases, and operating frequency
  4. Transformer voltage ratings
  5. KVA or MVA ratings
  6. Winding connection diagram
  7. Transformer-phasor or vector diagram
  8. Weights and oil capacity
  9. Operating pressure range
  10. Transformer impedance
  11. Basic insulation level (BIL), and
  12. Nameplate layout

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